Give your Credit a Lift!! So you can…
Have you been wanting to buy a home, but your credit is hindering you? We are here to get you there!
You could get pre-approved with a credit score as low as 550 but at great financial detriment. It is highly recommended to have at least 680-700+ score for better rates and a lower down payment.
Are you overdue for a vehicle purchase but you don’t want to pay a large down payment and outrageous rates? Let us Give you a Lift!
With Capital One Navigation, your Equifax credit score must be at least 680 to not pay a down payment.
Do you want to get approved for a credit card without putting any money down to secure one? We are here to help!
Trade out the high APRs, monthly and annual fees for top tier credit cards with cash back rewards, 0% introductory APRs, air, travel & hotel perks.
Are you eyeing a new position that requires a credit check? Go in confident that your credit is in good standing.
Jobs that require good credit: banking, military, federal, law enforcement, TSA to name a few.
Do you aspire to be a business owner or own rental properties? Your personal credit is the foundation.
Good Credit can be a great foundation to start building business credit.
How It Works
Step 1
Book consultation. This is the best way to assess your credit. If you choose to enroll, the amount paid for the consultation will be applied to the package you choose.
Step 2
Set an appointment and sign up for credit monitoring through IdentityIQ. You will be contacted on the scheduled date and time to review your scores and reports.
Step 3
Enroll. Your information is collected, and your onboarding process begins which will include client portal set up, document uploads, and selection of payment preferences.
Credit Lift™ has a highly successful track record in removing:
-> Charge offs
-> Collections
-> Medical bills
-> Inaccurate information
-> Erroneous accounts
-> Outdated accounts
-> Unauthorized inquires
-> Late payments
-> Evictions
And More!
Client Reviews

We are Board-Certified in Credit Restoration, Credit Score Optimization, FCRA Certification and Business Credit Establishment.

Book Consultation
17350 State Highway 249, Suite 220, #4095 Houston, Texas 77064