Terms And Conditions


  1. The Terms and Conditions of The Credit Repair Contractual Agreement
  2. Authorization for Credit Repair Action
  3. Surety Bond
  4. Consumer Credit File Rights Under State and Federal Law
  5. Mandatory Disclosures
  6. Customer Duties and Obligations
  7. Bank Draft Payment Authorization
  8. Chargebacks
  9. Severability
  10. Dispute Resolution and Arbitration
  11. Choice of Law and Forum Clause
  12. Integrated Document
  13. Non-Disparagement Clause
  14. Two (2) Copies of the “Right of Cancellation Notice”
  15. Acknowledgement of Receipt of Notice


    This Agreement is between, “client”, hereafter known as (“Consumer”), and Credit Lift Inc, hereafter known as (“the “Company”).

    The Company’s services are designed to assist in the removal of inaccurate, erroneous, and obsolete items from Consumer’s credit report. The Company’s services include but are not limited to customized disputes of negative items reflected on Consumer’s credit report.  The Company will only dispute items on Consumer’s credit report that are on Consumer’s report at the time this Agreement is signed. If any derogatory items are added to Consumer’s report during Consumer’s services, Consumer will be counseled on what derogatory items were added and a plan of action will be provided. Please note, if additional items are added to Consumer’s credit report, the process of credit restoration may be extended, and a new contract provided.


      Consumer will pay an initial enrollment fee of $199.00. The enrollment fee includes the onboarding of Consumer; a detailed audit analysis of Consumer’s financial health; processing and verifying client’s information via the web portal; responding to, receiving and/or initiating (telephone calls, emails, facsimile, or mail); and creating a strategic plan to assist client in lawfully addressing concerns in the Consumer’s credit file.

      • An educational counseling session that will provide information regarding the following:
        • Managing Household Finances: This includes goal setting, identifying income and expenses, separating needs from wants, designing a customized budget for Consumer’s needs, putting a budget into action, managing seasonal expenses, and setting goals for the future.
        • Managing Credit and Debt: This includes creating and implementing a strategic budget management plan specifically for credit card and overall debt. Consumer will receive guidance and tips on paying down debt.
        • Budgeting: This includes identifying income and compiling a budget that fits Consumer’s specific needs and wants.
        • Personal Savings Strategies- This includes providing guidance and tips regarding ways to save.
      • Credit Restoration Services to include the following, but not limited to:
        • Credit Education
        • Credit Building
        • Three (3) Bureau Analysis
        • 24/7 Client Portal
        • Monthly Updates Regarding Scores
        • Unlimited Disputes

      Thereafter Company will charge a monthly fee of $119.00 for services previously rendered during that month which shall include some or all of the following: (1) preparing and sending credit repair communications on Consumer’s behalf; (2) confirming with Consumer the accuracy of each item Company disputes before initiating any dispute; (3) receiving and reviewing Bureau and Furnisher correspondence sent to us directly by Consumer; (4) drafting dispute letters; (5) assisting Consumer with credit and/or finance related questions and providing basic ongoing credit education; (6) monitoring and analyzing Consumer’s case; and (7) keeping Consumer abreast of Company’s efforts during the credit repair process.

      The first payment is due 30 days following the completion of onboarding and Consumer audit analysis. Thereafter, payments are due on the same date each month. The monthly payment will be automatically withdrawn from Consumer’s specified checking account each month.  If a payment is declined, Consumer will receive both oral and written communication from the Company, reminding Consumer that payment is due. Failure to make payment on the 3rd day will result in immediate termination from the program. No exceptions.  Invoices will be provided upon request.

      Consumer should expect to spend a maximum amount of $913.00 over the course of six (6) months (180 days) for the Company’s services, beginning on the date Consumer signs this Agreement, unless Consumer or Company cancels service prior to the expiration of six (6) months.


        Upon completion of Consumer’s consultation, Consumer will be provided access to Consumer’s portal. Once Consumer successfully gains access to the portal, Consumer will be prompt to complete five tasks, including but not limited to: (1) Reviewing and executing Credit Repair Contractual Agreement (2) Uploading a copy of Consumer’s photo ID, (3) Uploading a copy of a current utility bill, (4) Creating a digital signature, and (4) inputting Consumer’s IdentityIQ password and username into portal.

        For the task that requires Consumer to order a credit report(s) & scores: Consumer will be provided with a credit monitoring provider IdentityIQ to obtain credit report(s) and scores. While enrolled in the Company’s program, Consumer must maintain credit monitoring service for the full duration of the program. The fee to enroll is $1.00, which includes a seven (7) day free trial. Thereafter, Consumer will be billed $21.99-$27.99 a month. Credit monitoring allows the Company’s to access Consumer’s credit report(s)/scores and transmit them into the Company’s software.

        Please note, the monthly credit monitoring fee is paid directly to the credit monitoring service provider.

        After Onboarding.

          Once Consumer is fully onboarded, and has completed all onboarding tasks, the dispute process will begin. Consumer will begin to receive correspondence from each of the three (3) major credit reporting agencies (Equifax, TransUnion, Experian) within 30-45 business days of the first round of disputes. Thereafter, every 30-45 days, Company will send a dispute letter to the (3) major credit reporting agencies disputing inaccurate, erroneous, and obsolete items. To ensure the process is seamless, it is imperative Consumer provides Company the correspondence. Failure to provide the correspondence within 48 hours of receipt of correspondence could cause this Agreement to become null and void and lead to termination of the program.

          Please understand that patience is critical when it comes to credit repair. While Company works diligently and in a timely fashion to create and send out customized dispute letters to each of the three (3) major credit reporting agencies, the response time to Company’s letters depends solely on each credit reporting agency. On average, it will take between 45 to 60 business days to begin seeing results; however, some Consumers have seen results sooner.

          If Consumer has an active bankruptcy, Company will not be able to assist with Consumer’s credit needs.

          Non-compliance with the Company’s program and recommendations can cause timely delays in the effectiveness of the services provided and could potentially lead to Consumer’s termination of the program.

          Refund Policy

              1. Consumer will receive a full refund of monies paid if there are no deletions of derogatory items within 120 days from the date Consumer signed this Agreement.
                • Client has been current on all payments, without any NSF’s, pauses in service, and client has completed all payments per the agreement.
                • Client must be current on all payments to Credit Lift Inc, and client shall have completed all payments per agreement.
                • Client must have followed all Credit Lift Inc directions based on the suggest Plan of Action. (Excessive time spent with clients in any form of communication, or personal meetings will count against the allocated time per plan, and obviously reduce time spent on actual credit repair, therefore client may not get optimal results).
                • On existing credit lines at time of signed agreement, and on any newly obtained credit, recommended in Plan of Action by Credit Lift credit specialist, Client always made at least the minimum payment due on time per industry suggestion (which was communicated with the Client.)
                • Upon signing Credit Lift Inc agreement at onboarding client strictly followed at least one of several suggested methods to improve or increase scores as noted in the Plan of Action.

                Consumer may cancel this Agreement at any time with written email notification, or telephone communication.


              • I, the client, hereafter known as “Consumer” hereby authorize the Company to make, receive, sign, endorse, execute, acknowledge, deliver, and possess such applications, correspondence, contracts, or agreements, as necessary to improve my credit. Such instruments in writing of whatever and nature shall only be effective for any or all of the three (3) credit reporting agencies which are Equifax, TransUnion, Experian, and any other reporting agencies or creditor’s listed, as may be necessary or proper in the exercise of the rights and powers herein granted.
              • This authorization may be revoked by the undersigned at any time by giving written notice to the party authorized herein. Any activity made prior to revocation in reliance upon this authorization shall not constitute a breach of rights of the Consumer. If not earlier revoked, this authorization will automatically expire six (6) months (180 days) from the date of this document is signed and dated.
              • The party named above to receive the information is not authorized to make any further release or disclosure of the information received. This authorization does not authorize the release or disclosure of any information except as provided herein.
              • I grant, the Company, authority to do, take and perform, all acts and things whatsoever requisite, proper, or necessary to be done, in the exercise of repairing Consumer’s credit with the three (3) reporting agencies, which are Equifax, TransUnion, Experian, and any other reporting agencies or creditor’s listed, as fully for all intents and purposes as client might or could do if personally present.

                SURETY BOND.

                  Provider: Brooklyn Ventures, LLC

                  Address: 354 Interstate 70 Drive SE, Columbia, MO 65201

                  Amount: $10,000

                  Consumer has the right to proceed against Brooklyn Ventures, LLC if the Consumer believes the Company to have violated the terms of this Agreement.

                  Please Note: Consumer is aware there is no certainty that any credit repair company can raise Consumer’s credit scores and that Consumer may fix or restore the Consumer’s credit on his or her own. With that said, the Company’s primary job is to work rigorously to dispute negative items on Consumer’s credit reports. Upon deletions of negative items, Consumer should begin to see an increase in Consumer’s credit scores


                  You have a right to dispute inaccurate information in your credit report by contacting the credit bureau directly. However, neither you nor any ‘credit repair’ company or credit repair organization has the right to have accurate, current, and verifiable information removed from your credit report. The credit bureau must remove accurate, negative information from your report only if it is over 7 years old. Bankruptcy information can be reported for 10 years.

                  You have a right to obtain a copy of your credit report from a credit bureau. You may be charged a reasonable fee. There is no fee, however, if you have been turned down for credit, employment, insurance, or a rental dwelling because of information in your credit report within the preceding 60 days. The credit bureau must provide someone to help you interpret the information in your credit file. You are entitled to receive a free copy of your credit report if you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment in the next 60 days, if you are a recipient of public welfare assistance, or if you have reason to believe that there is inaccurate information in your credit report due to fraud.

                  You have a right to sue a credit repair organization that violates the Credit Repair Organization Act. This law prohibits deceptive practices by credit repair organizations.

                  You have the right to cancel your contract with any credit repair organization for any reason within three (3) business days from the date you signed it.

                  Credit bureaus are required to follow reasonable procedures to ensure that the information they report is accurate. However, mistakes may occur.

                  You may, on your own, notify a credit bureau in writing that you dispute the accuracy of information in your credit file. The credit bureau must then reinvestigate and modify or remove inaccurate or incomplete information. The credit bureau may not charge any fee for this service. Any pertinent information and copies of all documents you have concerning an error should be given to the credit bureau.

                  If the credit bureau’s reinvestigation does not resolve the dispute to your satisfaction, you may send a brief statement to the credit bureau, to be kept in your file, explaining why you think the record is inaccurate. The credit bureau must include a summary of your statement about disputed information with any report it issues about you.

                  The Federal Trade Commission regulates credit bureaus and credit repair organizations. For more information, contact:

                  The Public Reference Branch

                  Federal Trade Commission

                  Washington, D.C. 20580



                    State or Federal law requires that every Consumer contract for credit repair services requires the following disclosures. Please read these carefully because they contain valuable information for Consumer’s protection.


                    • Consumer information becomes obsolete if there is negative information more than seven (7) years old or a bankruptcy that is more than ten (10) years old. Credit bureaus are prevented from issuing a credit report containing obsolete information.
                    • Consumer may also seek credit counseling from a nonprofit organization that offers financial services.
                    • In the event Consumer wish to serve process on Company, please direct it to Taqwanna Clark, the authorized Agent of Company: 17350 State Highway 249, Ste 220 #4095, Houston, Texas 77064.
                    • In the event that Consumer believes that Company has violated Texas or Federal Law, Consumer may proceed against Company’s Surety Bond. The information for the Surety Bond is listed in Section III.


                      You agree to assist COMPANY in answering certain security questions regarding your identity and credit history as may be necessary to obtain your credit reports.

                      You agree to specify which credit report accounts COMPANY should challenge with the Credit Bureaus, as applicable, and the basis for such actions.  You agree to review COMPANY’s progress and notify COMPANY of any discrepancies or inaccuracies within ten (10) days after receipt of any documents provided to you by COMPANY detailing COMPANY’s actions taken on your behalf.

                      You agree to promptly forward to COMPANY copies of all correspondence you receive from the Credit Bureaus, Furnishers, or others as the result of COMPANY’s efforts on your behalf. You understand and acknowledge that failure to promptly forward correspondence and updated credit reports may delay or negatively impact your case.

                      You agree to review your case each month and determine whether you wish to suspend or cancel the Company’s representation.

                      You agree and acknowledge that COMPANY may communicate private and confidential information with you via unencrypted email at the address you provide. You agree to promptly inform COMPANY if your email address changes.

                      You agree that all information you provide COMPANY is true to the best of your knowledge.

                      You understand and acknowledge that you are not paying for, and that COMPANY does not make, any representation, warranty, promise or guarantee as to any particular outcome or result.

                      You acknowledge that you intentionally hired COMPANY, which is based in the state of Texas, to represent you as described in this Agreement.

                      You acknowledge that credit repair communications prepared by COMPANY may include your account number(s) and Social Security Number in order to reference your account.

                      You understand credit repair communications sent by COMPANY to Furnishers and Credit Bureaus on your behalf will be sent in your name and will not be identified as being sent by COMPANY. Copies of written credit repair communications will be provided to you upon request.

                      You confirm and agree that prior to signing this Agreement and paying any money for services rendered, you have received and reviewed the “Consumer Credit File Rights Under State and Federal Law” disclosures.

                      You agree to all other terms and conditions within this Agreement.


                        This Payment Agreement is established between Company and client,  effective on date of enrollment. The terms of this Payment Agreement are as follows:

                        1. Client, agrees to provide their checking account information for the express purpose of making payments for services completed.
                        2. Client, owns or is an authorized person on the bank account being provided.
                        3. Client, agrees to authorize Company to collect payments for services completed directly from the bank account.
                        4. Client, agrees that there are no refunds on services that have been completed unless Consumer falls within an exception to receive a refund
                        5. This agreement will remain in effect until the completed services have been paid in full.
                        6. Company will never charge your bank account without your knowledge.
                        1. Client, has read and agrees to the above terms of this payment agreement.


                          Chargeback Abuse Policy:  Purchases and Services will appear on your credit/debit card statement as “Credit Lift Inc” Consumer agrees not to file a chargeback with regard to any purchase or service rendered UNLESS Company has materially breached this Agreement, engaged in fraud, or made a clerical error in charging Consumer’s account.  For purposes of this Agreement, a clerical error occurs as a result of a duplicate bill, an incorrect amount billed, or when a promised refund was not issued. In the event that Consumer breach this provision and file a chargeback for a reason beyond the justifications listed herein this paragraph, Consumer agrees to reimburse Company for any costs incurred in researching and responding to such chargeback(s), including without limitation, Company’s actual costs paid to the credit card processor or Company bank(s), other third parties, and the reasonable value of the time Company’s employees and owners spent on the matter, as determined in Company’s discretion in good faith.


                            If for any reason whatsoever, any term or condition of this Agreement or the application thereof to Company, Consumer or circumstance is, to any extent, invalid or unenforceable, all other terms and conditions of this Agreement and/or the application of such terms and conditions to the parties or circumstances shall not be affected thereby and shall be separately valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

                            DISPUTE RESOLUTION & ARBITRATION

                              Any   dispute, controversy   or   claim   arising   out   of   or   relating to this transaction shall be exclusively resolved by binding arbitration. The complaining party must provide written notice of the party’s intent to seek arbitration.  Such notice shall indicate the basis of the dispute. Within thirty (30) days of such notice, the Parties shall attempt to resolve the dispute in good faith. Should the dispute not be resolved within thirty (30) days after such notice, the complaining party may seek remedies exclusively  through arbitration.

                              This Agreement to arbitrate shall be specifically enforceable. The arbitration shall be conducted by one (1) arbitrator. If the Parties are not able to agree upon the selection of an arbitrator, within twenty (20) days of commencement of an arbitration proceeding, the arbitrator shall be selected by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitration shall be conducted in Texas. The laws of the State of Texas shall be applied in any arbitration proceedings, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. The parties shall evenly split any initial cost. However, the prevailing party, as determined by the arbitrator, shall be entitled to recoup, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees, and costs.

                              CHOICE OF LAW AND FORUM CLAUSE

                                The laws of the State of Texas govern the rights and obligations of the parties to this Agreement and the interpretation, construction, and enforceability thereof. As noted above, all disputes must be arbitrated.  In the event that the arbitration clause is deemed invalid for any reason, any action must be initiated solely in the courts of Texas located in the State or Federal Court located closest to Harris County

                                INTEGRATED DOCUMENT

                                  This Agreement (including the Addendums to this Agreement) constitutes the entire Agreement of the Parties, superseding all previous Agreements covering the subject matter. This Agreement shall not be changed or modified except by written agreement, specifically amending, modifying, and changing this Agreement, signed by Company and Consumer.

                                  NON-DISPARAGEMENT CLAUSE

                                    Consumer agrees not to disparage or denigrate the Company orally or in writing, and that neither Consumer nor anyone acting on Consumer’s behalf will publish, post, or otherwise release any material in written or electronic format, make speeches, gain interviews, or make public statements that mention the Company, its operations, employees, products, or services without the prior written consent of the Company.  If Consumer breaches this provision, Consumer shall be liable for direct as well as any incidental or consequential damages including, without limitation, loss of revenue or loss of profits.

                                    RIGHT OF CANCELLATION NOTICE

                                      You may cancel this contract, without penalty without penalty or obligation, within three days after the date the contract is signed. If you cancel, any payment made by you under this contract will be returned within 10 days after the date of receipt by the seller of your cancellation notice.

                                      To cancel this contract, mail or deliver a signed dated copy of this cancellation notice, or other written notice, to: Credit Lift, Inc. at 17350 State Highway 249, Ste 220 #4095, Houston, TX 77064 no later than midnight on the third day from the date contract is signed.


                                      ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT OF NOTICE

                                      I, {CLIENT NAME}, hereby acknowledge with my digital signature, receipt of the Company Agreement, Authorization for Credit Repair Action, two copies of the Notice of Right to Cancel and the contents within this Agreement. I confirm that I agree and understand what I am signing and acknowledge that I have received a copy of my Consumer Credit File Rights.

                                      *Digital Signatures: In 2000, the U.S. Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (ESIGN) Act established electronic records and signatures as legally binding, having the same legal effects as traditional paper documents and handwritten signatures. Read more at the FTC website: http://www.ftc.gov/os/2001/06/esign7.htm

                                      You, the Consumer, may cancel this contract at any time prior to midnight of the third (3rd) business day after the date of the transaction. See the attached notice of cancellation form for an explanation of this right.

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                                      17350 State Highway 249, Suite 220, #4095 Houston, Texas 77064